Introducing Live Competition

Jonathan Alzetta
Wooclap 🇬🇧️
2 min readJun 23, 2016

People don’t want to attend long trainings without interactivity anymore!

Thanks to the Live Competition Mode, transform your training into a wonderful experience!

Attendees answer your questions, you comment the results, give the correct response and then you display the ranking of the 5 people who obtained the best scores.

Attendees complete your quiz with their smartphones

Follow the number of respondents and the results in real time

Who is the Winner?


Ranking of the 5 best attendees. Authentication with LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+ or by e-mail.

Concretely, how to activate the competition mode?

It’s very easy!

  • Create your event
  • Create your MCQ’s (Multiple choice questions)
  • Go to the event’s settings and activate the competition mode
Capture d’écran 2016-06-15 à 14.04.37

Then, on the D-day

1.Ask your attendees to take their smartphone and to connect to the url displayed on the screen

2.They will have to authenticate using Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ or by e-mail

Capture d’e?cran 2016-06-23 a? 11.43.33
3.Start your MCQ’s, display the results and comment them

4.Click on the trophy icon to display the ranking of the best scores

Cheatsheet for the keyboard shortcuts

Enter: show/hide results

Space: start/stop voting

Arrows (Next/Left): go to the next/previous question

Arrows (up/down): show/hide instructions

Esc: switch to main interface

R: Display the ranking (only if competition mode is activated)

