Script Concordance Test: what, why, and how?

Gauthier Lebbe
Wooclap 🇬🇧️
3 min readFeb 26, 2019

When we introduce a new feature, we usually skip straight to its look and how to use it. However, unlike most of our other interactions, the Script Concordance Test (SCT) might require a short introduction before we get to that.

What is an SCT and why is it useful?

According to Script concordance testing: from theory to practice, written by professors at Canada’s McGill Centre for Medical Education;

The script concordance test (SCT) is used in health professions education to assess a specific facet of clinical reasoning competence: the ability to interpret medical information under conditions of uncertainty. ( . . . ) SCT scores are meant to reflect how closely respondents’ ability to interpret clinical data compares with that of experienced clinicians in a given knowledge domain. A substantial body of research supports the SCT’s construct validity, reliability, and feasibility across a variety of health science disciplines, and across the spectrum of health professions education from pre-clinical training to continuing professional development. (Lubarsky S., Dory V., Duggan P., Gagnon R., Charlin B., 2014).

Though Script Concordance Testing is primarily being used in medical professions, it could be used in myriad subjects, provided the case in question contains a certain degree of uncertainty.

How does it work?

Given the general facts of a case, a preliminary hypothesis (e.g. investigative action), and an additional piece of information, students must evaluate the impact of that new information on the original hypothesis using a Likert scale.
Their answers are then compared to those provided by a panel of experts in that field.

Fournier, Jean Paul & Demeester, Anne & Charlin, Bernard. (2008). Script Concordance Tests: Guidelines for Construction. BMC medical informatics and decision making. 8. 18. 10.1186/1472–6947–8–18.

Script Concordance Testing on Wooclap

Collect and compare the answers of students and experts on a single platform, in just a few clicks. Display the comments provided by the experts to further support your explanations.

Click here to find out how to create your first Script Concordance Test on Wooclap!

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Get in touch:

Gauthier is inbound marketing manager at Wooclap, an online platform with which to stimulate classes and measure student understanding of material. You can follow Wooclap on Twitter, Linkedin, and Facebook.

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Gauthier Lebbe
Wooclap 🇬🇧️

Inbound Marketing Manager @ Wooclap, interested in and excited about applying EdTech to the educational needs of today’s students