The prestigious Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA) is going digital

Jonathan Alzetta
Wooclap 🇬🇧️
2 min readApr 21, 2017

The famous Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA), through whose doors many French and foreign senior officials pass, is modernising its courses by integrating new digital solutions in its training curriculum.

According to Eric Befort, the head of the Department of Digital Uses and Information System, the school still has a long way to go in terms of technology. However, with this in mind, the management has decided to start modernising over the last two years.

4 concrete examples that ENA has put in place to improve its training programmes:

Implementation of interactive presentations

The courses used to be quite traditional with PowerPoint presentations and the audience listening to the speaker. Now, the ENA education advisors can offer external speakers the opportunity to make their presentations interactive using Wooclap. The learners are invited to answer surveys, multiple choice questions and open questions which they answer in real time during the course, using their smartphone or laptop.

On the one hand, this solution allows the possibility to involve participants in their learning and on the other hand, the lecturer knows the opinions or level of knowledge of their audience.

Online training modules

ENA has also put in place online training courses that students can follow along with the face-to-face training sessions. These courses therefore consist of blended learning. The learners can be asked to prepare certain topics before a class. The goal of the online content is to increase the participants’ level of knowledge to facilitate face-to-face exchanges.

Providing an exam simulator

In terms of continuing education for candidates in the European civil service, ENA has set up a platform that simulates online exams. This allows learners to prepare themselves for multiple-choice tests.

Introducing documentary and collaborative tools

As part of the initial training, Mr Befort introduced a set of digital solutions that learners will be encouraged to use throughout their course and which are aimed at facilitating schooling and group work.

The toolkit presented consists mainly of collaborative working tools (eg Google Drive, Wooclap, Asana, Trello, Slack, Diigo, Framapad, ScoopIt etc.)

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