Wooclap “Make Learning Awesome & Effective”

Joséphine Misson
Wooclap 🇬🇧️
4 min readFeb 21, 2018

Two weeks ago, 2 of our Wooclap members were at the BETT Show 2018, to present our digital solution.

Joséphine & Gauthier had the incredible chance to meet Jonathan McCallum, an Australian visual story teller who interviewed them regarding their experience at Wooclap. This is what came out of their interview.

Joséphine how did you get to know Wooclap?

I came across Wooclap when I was a student, which wasn’t too
long ago, considering I graduated college in 2017. Some students used Wooclap during their presentations, in order to captivate the audience more.

We all find it difficult to try and get students our own age to
listen when we’re giving a presentation. Most of them are on
their phones or computers, scrolling through social media and
so on. Wooclap was a great way to bring the attention back to the presentation, by using these tools that usually distract them. In a similar fashion, teachers later started using Wooclap in big auditoria to change the rhythm of their classes.

What is it like working for a start-up company?

It is a lot of fun. Getting the chance to have your first job in a
startup is a great opportunity. Stakes and responsibilities are
high, but you learn to develop skills rather quickly, and there are plenty of opportunities to grow. In addition, you get to see the results of your efforts firsthand. Everyone plays a big part in the expansion of the company, which I think is very inspiring.

How are things going? What are some of the
challenges and advantages of a new initiative like

Things are going great. When you truly believe in the purpose of
your product and its benefits, the way you work fundamentally
changes. We are all motivated and united in our belief that
embracing technology in education is the best way forward.

A great challenge is the fact that some people are just not
willing to accept that technology is part of students’ everyday
life. Some people prefer to do things the way they always have,
but we all have keep up with technological developments to put
our tools to better use.

What part of the business do you enjoy the most?

Taking part in an initiative that tries to modernise education
and improve the way students learn is fascinating.

The founders came up with Wooclap, because they thought
classes in higher education lacked interactivity, and I believe
they were right. Creating a tool to increase interactivity,
participation, and engagement for the students, is sure to be a
positive long-run development, and I’m very happy I got to join
such an ambitious undertaking.

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Gauthier how did you get to know Wooclap?

My brother actually co-founded Wooclap, so I have seen the platform develop since its early stages.

What is it like working for a startup company?
It is exciting. One of the things I fear most about starting my professional career, is routine. Luckily, a startup company, with its limited resources, requires me to do new and different things all the time, keeping me away from repetition and leading me towards challenges.

How are things going?
Wooclap is doing very well, and so is the team. Our international expansion allows me to travel around a bit and interact with people from pretty much anywhere, which is something I’m quite thankful for.

What are some of the challenges and advantages of a new initiative like wooclap?
Startups are expected to do a lot with very limited resources, meaning we regularly have to perform tasks we are unfamiliar with. Though intimidating, it is also a daily opportunity to learn, and I strive to turn those opportunities into abilities along the way. Small teams like ours are also a much tighter unit than large organisations, and it is great to feel like a valuable part of the ensemble.

What part of the business do you enjoy the most?
I very much like going abroad and showing people the platform, because it disrupts the flow of my week completely, making it that much more interesting and exciting. My favourite part, however, must be the redaction, because it involves drawing people’s attention using nothing but one’s eloquence, and that is a challenge I relish.

Connect with Jonathan McCallum on Social Media @jonamccallum and Youtube https://www.youtube.com/jonathanmccallum1 .

Connect deeper:

Joséphine is inbound marketing manager at Wooclap, a collaborative tech solution for conference and training sessions. You can follow Wooclap on Twitter,Linkedin, Facebook.

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Joséphine Misson
Wooclap 🇬🇧️

Young graduate and recently joined Wooclap, an EdTech start-up that revolutionises the learning process.