Wooclap’s case: The University of Strasbourg uses the Wooclap solution

Recently, the University of Strasbourg decided to start using Wooclap during its lectures.

Jonathan Alzetta
Wooclap 🇬🇧️
3 min readMar 7, 2017


The University of Strasbourg is a French university located in Strasbourg, in the Alsace region. It is the second largest French university with more than 48,000 students and about 4,000 researchers.

The university observed that lectures held in large rooms were often not very interactive and that, most of the time, students were in a very passive learning position of “knowledge consumers”. Based on this, the University of Strasbourg decided to develop more interactive lectures .

“It is important to us to encourage more participation”

“We are aware that the context of a course with lots of students can be discouraging for shy students who struggle to speak up or ask questions. That is why it is important for us to encourage more participation. So far, very few tools have been available. We used color paper or freehand votes, but it was very limited in terms of opportunities” says Leslie Faucheux, the project manager for entrepreneurship and business relations.

“During 10 years of teaching, my colleague has always tried to make her lessons more lively and interactive, which is why she offers “oxygen bubbles”: these are “break” times during the lesson where she introduces a problem or a topical subject in order to make the students debate with each other. But until now, she did this with “what is at hand”. Now, she uses Wooclap to create the “oxygen bubbles” that students are so fond of!”

“For my part, I am more inclined to use Wooclap for its opinion polling application to understand students’ needs in terms of knowledge.”

The University and technology

According to the University of Strasbourg, new technologies represent a genuine opportunity for universities because they allow teaching methods to diversify. They adapt to different audiences, especially younger generations (generation Y and millennials) who have a different relationship with the acquisition of knowledge and its speed of access.

These technologies further democratize access to knowledge by enabling remote audiences to access education (distance education development, telepresence robot, immersive video conferencing device).

They also allow teachers to question their way of teaching, by allowing them to adapt to the changing public and the changes in society.

Wooclap was also used at the University during the first lectures of the course, in order to evaluate the students’ achievements. This lead to various courses being adapted, for example reviewing basic concepts. Then, during (mid-term) and at the end of the semester, Wooclap reappeared regularly to assess the acquisition of knowledge and to see what the students have retained in the long term.

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