Shadow Work: A Path to Personal Growth

Ryan Puusaari
Wood Island Books
Published in
3 min readJun 29, 2024


Shadow work changed my life, helping me find hidden parts of myself and accept who I really am. In my book, ‘Healing Thoughts,’ I explore this concept, sharing my journey and offering guidance for those ready to start their own path of self-discovery.

Healing Thoughts: Quotes, Poems and Musings by Ryan Puusaari

What is Shadow Work?

Shadow work means looking at the unconscious parts of ourselves we often ignore or hide. These “shadows” include repressed emotions, hidden fears, and unacknowledged desires. Bringing these aspects to light helps us become a more complete and authentic self.

Why Shadow Work Matters

Ignoring our shadows can lead to unhealthy behaviors, affecting relationships, decisions, and overall well-being. Shadow work lets us face these hidden parts, leading to personal growth. It helps us understand triggers, heal old wounds, and build self-compassion.

My Shadow Work Journey

I started shadow work in my mid-thirties during a tough time. Facing homelessness, I had to confront unresolved issues shaping my life. Through this, I discovered the power of shadow work.

One night, alone in a cold, dim room, I felt overwhelmed by my past. I started writing, pouring out thoughts and emotions in my journal. Patterns emerged — recurring themes of fear, shame, and unworthiness that had haunted me.

Shadow Work in ‘Healing Thoughts’

In ‘Healing Thoughts,’ shadow work is central. Each chapter invites readers to explore their own shadows. I share personal stories and reflections, showing how shadow work helped me navigate life’s complexities. The book offers practical exercises and prompts to guide readers on their shadow work journey.

Starting Your Shadow Work Journey

Journaling: Write down your thoughts and feelings. Notice recurring themes. Ask, “What am I avoiding?” or “What emotions do I struggle to express?”

Meditation and Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness to become more aware of your thoughts and emotions. Meditation helps you observe your inner world without judgment.

Seek Professional Guidance: Consider a therapist or coach experienced in shadow work. They provide a safe space and tools to navigate this process.

Embrace Vulnerability: Be gentle with yourself. It’s normal to feel uncomfortable or resistant. Remember, shadow work is a journey, not a destination.

Connect with Others: Share your experiences with a trusted friend or join a support group. Hearing others’ stories can offer comfort and insight.

Personal Reflections

One powerful moment came when I faced the shame from childhood bullying. I had buried those memories, but through journaling and therapy, I faced them. I wrote letters to my younger self, expressing the compassion I needed back then. This process was healing, allowing me to release long-held pain and move forward with renewed self-worth.

Wrapping Up

Shadow work is courageous and transformative. It means facing parts of ourselves we’d rather ignore, but it unlocks personal growth and healing. In ‘Healing Thoughts,’ I invite you to join me on this journey. Together, we can uncover our shadows, illuminating the hidden corners of our psyche and embracing our true selves.



Ryan Puusaari
Wood Island Books

Dedicated to guiding individuals towards self-realization through the integration of their unconscious shadow aspects.