BTS: Our making of the 3D Billboard for Meta Quest 2

A short story on the techniques we used at Woodblock to materialize our 3D Ad for Meta’s VR Goggles

Ivanna Chávez Idrogo
4 min readJan 30, 2023


Check out our BTS :)

When Woodblock was approached by Unit 9 to produce a 3D Billboard for Meta’s VR Goggles latest edition — the Meta Quest 2-, we were conceptually crystal clear on at least one thing: how the piece was supposed to feel.

After all, we have not only worked on creating the visual effects for this style of placards before but we have also been producing VR projects since 2016. So we knew that, if a product required an ad which allowed the viewer an immersive experience, it was this one. This is why our main creative goal with this project wasn’t to simply show off the Meta Quest 2 but to recreate the sensation of wearing the gadget.

“The great thing about 3D billboards is that they finally force brands to put ideas first. These billboards work best with simple, yet creative concepts. Also, since there’s limited availability on big LED screens, there’s a need to focus on the very essence of the brand. What in other mediums tends to be included, here ends up being redundant. Thus our approach: focusing on creating a solid story and then tailoring it to the location, rather than only minding the product.

This is how 3D ads are helping brands to add to their storytelling. Now, it is not simply about showcasing an extraordinary product, but also about producing engaging stories they can put in the scene.”Fabian “Pit” Pross, ECD at Woodblock

Now that the destination was clear, the question was: how do we get there?

What causes the image to pop out of the screen is a technique that’s neither a secret nor a novelty called forced perspective. This is basically an optical illusion that manipulates human perception by altering the proportions and scale of objects in relation to the vantage point of the spectator.

Director Anthony Rubinstein’s BTS talks about our collaboration for Meta Quest 2

Basing visuals on one specific POV might challenge every aspect of regular CG production however, since the aim wasn’t uniquely to visually disrupt the locations, but to offer the viewer a sneak-peek of wearing the MetaQuest2 headset, Woodblock’s Creative Director Felix Deimann and Head of CG Paul Schicketanz, applied some additional techniques:

Magnifying animations to boost 3D effect

An NFL player out of shape (literally!)

Original 3D assets, including characters, were provided by their respective game developers and then modified (even sometimes disfigured) in order to enhance the 3D effect and give all of them a coherent look with similar quality. This meant the assets ended up with disproportionate measures to make them production-ready.

Breaking the fourth wall

Looking at us right in the eye.

The fourth wall is what, in our imagination, is separating the action from the audience and, while the audience can see through this wall, the action happens ignoring the existence of the spectator. An NFL player looking right at us while catching the ball, an astronaut extending an arm and reaching out to grab us… These characters aren’t simply popping out of the screen; while we are watching them, they interact with us.

“Fake-mirroring” the outside

See the red bus?

Look closely and notice the reflection of the astronaut’s helmet:do you see a passing red bus? This image deliberately “reflects” a scene that could very possibly be happening on any street of Central London. It is not a real reflection of the environment. It is actual footage of the area to give the sensation that the Billboard is mirroring the outside.

Adding dynamic transitions
The characters are not the only ones in motion; their backdrops are as well and with it, the additional liveliness needed is generated for an extra IRL effect. Additionally, to create a dynamic flow between four different moving scenes, the team came up with creative solutions for smooth and coherent transitions avoiding sudden cuts.

And this was our final product on location!

For us this job meant a success in several aspects, and not just because it went viral at the time of the launch. It offered us a unique opportunity to push the boundaries of traditional advertising because it requiered high-caliber visual effects and creative storytelling alike. By delivering a solid and location-tailored story in our 3D Billboard, rather than just a flashy exposure with no substance, is what we aimed for and, ultimately, what we believe could be the finest way for any brand to add to their magic.

