Introducing the Woodies Blockchain Game Development Grant Program

Chris Wallace
2 min readMar 2, 2022


The Woodies core team is asking interested game devs to join us in our quest to build a decentralized entertainment brand. How? Develop fun and exciting games utilizing the Woodies Generative Characters and Legends of Wondermist collection. We’ve established a grant program for game devs to do exactly that.

The Legends of Wondermist is a series of digital collectible cards on the Ethereum blockchain available to mint at for 0.06eth for a pack of 3 (or 4 for Woodies holders). This collection was created to serve as the foundation of future games in the metaverse. Each card has a set of unique properties that can be utilized in gameplay or extended.

What We’re Looking For

  • Fun games! Small or big!
  • Creativity and expansion of the Woodies universe
  • Contributions to a burgeoning decentralized community gaming ecosystem

Grant Highlights

  • Receive up to $10,000 in grant funds
  • Collaborate directly with the Woodies core team
  • Become an official Woodies brand partner

Game Requirements

  1. Games must utilize the Legends of Wondermist collection and optionally the Woodies Generative Collection as a core aspect to gameplay.
  2. Developers must provide community updates once per month on progress.
  3. Game IP and content (aside from Woodies-related assets/references used in-game) must be fully owned or licensed by you.

Apply Now

