Planting trees in numbers

WoodLandEco Official
WoodLand Eco
Published in
3 min readAug 22, 2022

Planting trees is our main vector. During the development of the project, we studied many official resources from research centers and institutes. We have collected data in numbers on how tree planting helps fight climate change and we want to share it with you!

How much oxygen do trees produce

Trees are important and benefit the environment. Only trees can produce enough oxygen to meet all of the oxygen needs of humans in North America.

A mature deciduous tree produces as much oxygen in a season as 10 people inhale in a year. This number is taken from a report by the Arbor Day Foundation. For a number of reasons, including the presence of other photosynthetic plants, human consumption of oxygen produced only by trees can vary greatly.

“On average, one tree produces about 260 pounds of oxygen per year. Two mature trees can provide enough oxygen for a family of four”, — Environment Canada, Environment Canada.

How much carbon can trees absorb

According to the Arbor Day Foundation, in a year, a mature tree absorbs more than 48 pounds of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and releases oxygen in return.

“One mature tree can absorb carbon dioxide at a rate of 48 pounds per year and release enough oxygen into the atmosphere to feed two people”, — McAleeney, Mike, California, December 1993.

The ability to absorb carbon varies greatly from tree to tree, even within the same species. Many factors need to be considered, including:

  • Type of tree.
  • Tree age.
  • The size.
  • Weather conditions in the region where the tree grows.
  • Soil type.

Some trees grow faster than others and therefore absorb CO2 faster, as is the case with eucalyptus. In contrast, other types of trees grow more slowly but live longer and therefore absorb more CO2 in the long run, such as oak or beech. It is difficult to determine which trees absorb the most CO2.

Reducing the average temperature thanks to the trees

Climate change is a huge and complex issue, and we can work together to increase forest cover to address global challenges.

The cooling effect of trees is mainly due to shading and transpiration, when the water inside the tree is released as water vapor through their leaves. This process takes heat energy from the environment for evaporation, lowering the ambient temperature.

Even more dramatic, the temperature difference between shaded and unshaded land can be as high as 36°F, according to research.

What do people who plant trees get?

If you decide to become part of our team, then we want to share the benefits that people who care about the planet get:

  • Improving physical and mental condition. It is something that cannot be calculated like the amount of oxygen, but you can definitely estimate it yourself.
  • Creating a future for yourself and your children. Trees in 7–10 years will begin to bring tangible benefits in the amount in which we plant them. It creates favorable conditions for the life of our children.
  • Rewards from the Woodland Eco team. Of course, you will receive bonuses for planting and caring for trees. We are happy to be able to give pleasant bonuses to people who care about their future!

Join us, because trees are the best investment in your future and the future of the planet!



WoodLandEco Official
WoodLand Eco

🌎 Protecting the environment 🌳 Economic part & fight against climate change Join us to invest in your future!