Why we plant trees and how it helps the environment

WoodLandEco Official
WoodLand Eco
Published in
4 min readAug 22, 2022

Trees are an important part of ecosystems on the planet. They produce vital resources, purify the air, protect against bad weather and are home to many species. Tree planting gives “roots” to our planet and our future on it.

The benefits of planting trees

Trees are part of an ecosystem linked to soils, water, biodiversity and carbon sequestration. Why is tree planting important for the Woodland Eco team? Answer below!

Habitat and food

Trees provide favorable conditions for biodiversity in terms of nutrition, habitat and protection from predators. At a local level, these elements attract beneficial organisms such as birds or insects that are involved in pollination or natural pest control.

At the landscape level, trees form natural corridors that maintain the ecological continuity of the landscape.

Biological soil protection

The decomposition of tree leaves and roots (humus) enriches the soil with organic matter and increases its biodiversity. The complex root system of the tree promotes microbiological activity in the soil, creating symbiotic associations between fungi and plant roots.

Precipitation and wind are the main factors in soil erosion. Trees help support the soil in several ways:

  • They act as natural barriers against the wind. They intercept surface runoff and increase water infiltration into the soil, reducing erosion.
  • Branches and leaves reduce the speed at which raindrops fall to the ground and reduce the splashing effect.
  • The soil structure is also stabilized by the deep root system of the tree.

Water regulation

Tree roots loosen the soil and increase its permeability, making it easier for water to seep through. This, in turn, reduces the impact of floods and increases soil water holding capacity.

The root system of a tree restores nutrients and water from deeper soil horizons and acts as a filter. It prevents nitrates from draining downwards, thereby preventing contamination of groundwater supplies.

Carbon absorption

Throughout their life cycle, trees absorb CO2 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis and store it in the trunk, branches, leaves and roots. Dead tree organic matter also increases the carbon pool in the soil.

Increasing crop productivity

Trees as part of an ecosystem create favorable conditions for agricultural activities. The presence of trees increases soil fertility, increases water availability, attracts beneficial organisms beneficial to crops, and creates a temperate microclimate at site level.

Why we work on a tree planting project

We live in an era where humanity has the greatest impact on nature ever. For this reason, there are problems of warming and climate change both globally and locally.

We believe that trees can solve, at least partially, climate problems. Regular planting and caring for trees affects not only the ecosystem, but also us. Trees purify the air through photosynthesis. As a result, we breathe fresh and clean air. At the same time, a walk in the forest or park improves the mental well-being of a person.

We started working on the Woodland Eco project because we understand the importance of solving global problems. We are gathering a community of people who are no less eager to help the planet, creating favorable conditions for our future on Earth.

We believe that trees are the best investment for the planet!



WoodLandEco Official
WoodLand Eco

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