
Come With Me To A Place of Yesterday: St Anne’s Catholic Church

St Annes Catholic Church located in Columbia California, located on the beautiful tree lined Kennebeck Hill, on the original site of three rich mining claims, is believed to be the oldest brick Church in the state of California. It was started in 1852 and completed in 1856.

Bricks used in the structure were kilned at Shaw’s flat and its timbers were hand hewn. Funds and aid in building were donated by the miners. TThe Belfry was added in 1857.

The funds to aid in the building were donated by the miners.

The Church originally had a school, and there’s a grave yard on site!

The beautiful Murral of Celestial Angels was painted by James Fallon, a member of a prominent 19th century family in Columbia, his Father founded the Fallon house which James Fallon would inherit in 1885.

St Annes holds mass four times a year One of St. Patrick’s priests celebrates Mass at St. Anne’s four times per year: Christmas, Easter, the 4th of July and the Feast of St…

