Duct Tape

Micro Fiction

Connie Song
Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!
2 min readMar 13, 2021


He needed to find a place to hide the diamonds and the other jewels from the heist. He thought about his daughter’s bedroom. Amanda and Jessie were outside, playing with Jasper in the back yard.

Using the sharp blade of a box cutter, he made a fine incision through the plush of the overstuffed teddy bear. He carefully wrapped the four diamonds into the foil of aluminum wrap.

Heaving a deep sigh, he took two other empty pieces of aluminum, balled them up and placed the three on top of each other, with the diamonds being buried on the botttom, snuggly inside the teddy. Poor, scarred teddy.

Now, how to close the wound. Needle and thread? — but he didn’t have the patience. Duct tape? He found some red duct tape that might work. It was close to the shade of teddy’s jacket which covered the slit.

He wondered if there was any Gorilla glue in the house, but the duct tape would have to do for now. He eyed the Elmo sitting on the settee. He thought he detected a trace of the stink-eye.

“Yeah— be right down,” his thoughts stuttered as he hollered, when he heard Amanda calling his name. The pouch was in his right pocket, but he knew it could not stay there for long.

© Connie Song 2021. All Rights Reserved.



Connie Song
Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!

Reader | Writer | Poet | Medium Top Writer | Editor of Purple Ink | Coffee Fanatic | Twitter Connie Song 10.