Finding Ohana

Looking for Patrick, on Netflix, on WotWU…

Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!


To all my good WotWU peoples…

I wanted to bring your attention to our good WotWU friend Patrick M. Ohana and a new Netflix show called “Finding Ohana”:

I’m sure you’ve read his poems, and know that Patrick is missing in action. Netflix clearly got wind of this, and created this show to lure him into their webby maze, and perhaps have captured him with the lure of their AI recommendation engine with its long lascivious legs and come-hither gaze.

I encourage all of you to watch this show in honor of our good tree-loving friend, and perhaps we, the WotWu few, will crash the Netflix site and force them to give Patrick back to us here. Surely, the wise Netflix engineers, thought that no more than two or three people will watch this silly family-friendly film and are not prepared for any kind of traffic.

But let’s show them, in honor of our friend, let’s crash the Netflix site. All dozen dozen of us!

Your ever faithful Science Duuude.



Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!

Husband, dad, scientist, loves to share sciency stuff and goofiness. Please follow me: