From Us To YOU: Supportive Advice Through The Authentic Power Of Community

Writers’ collaboration birthed through Medium

Paroma Sen
Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!


Image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay

Yvonne is surrounded by her grandkids on her seventieth birthday. Her house teems with the large family — three sons, their wives, two kids each. The walls reverberate with merriness. Yvonne is grateful, she has received a lot in life. Yet, as dusk turns to night, and the dinner plates are cleared up, she looks out the window pensively. Despite being surrounded by her loved ones, she’s lonely. And guilty for feeling that way. What else could she possibly want? She’s had more than her fair share of life’s joys. Hasn’t she?

Ophelia is ecstatic about her upcoming wedding day. She’s going to be united with her soulmate forever and ever. She can’t wait to start her new life. The best part of all? Her family and in-laws get along like a house on fire. What else can a girl ask for? Her family has promised her nothing but the moon for her wedding day and honeymoon. Ophelia crosses her fingers for luck, still unable to believe she’s reached exactly where she wanted to be in life. When her phone buzzes, she looks reflectively at the texts from her fiancé. The link he’s sent is for a resort in Mexico known for its loud nightlife and casinos. He should know she would hate that kind of honeymoon. Ophelia pauses, a small doubt



Paroma Sen
Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!

“Do not go gentle into that good night, but rage, rage, rage against the dying of the light.”