Leave the Monkey Alone!

Free verse

James G Brennan
Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!
2 min readJun 27, 2021


Photo: James G. Brennan.

Who is this mean fella chasing monkey with a club?
Poor frightened monkey climbs a barren tree
to escape this angry coward determined to catch
this monkey if it’s the last thing he will do!

Worry not monkey, help is at hand;
Buddha is on your side. With a little persuasion,
he will stop this cruel heart from hurting you
teaching him more than a lesson or two.

Monkey is set free while angry man shits his pants
promising Buddha he will never hurt another living soul,
to become a vegetarian for as long as he shall live.

Kind Buddha sets the cruel-hearted man free with a warning;

“Any creature you deem to harm, this creature I will turn you into
for any man, woman or child to hunt you for the rest of your days”.

This is a little bit of fun we have in our guest beach room which is now enjoyed by us during these times of covid, got to make the best of it, hey.
Going to sleep with the sound of the waves rocking us into slumber, well me anyway, waking to the sound of the sea, crashing into the restaurant on a stormy day driven by a thunderstorm; perfect.

The foot was painted by one of our co-workers who was/is a talented artist. I made the monkey though. 😜 The mean fella is a shadow puppet.

Thank you as always, ScienceDuuude for giving my words a platform. 🙏✨☘ Thank you all for reading and your precious time. Always. J. 🙏✨☘



James G Brennan
Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!

Writes free to read eclectic free verse poetry. "Everything in life is writable about" Sylvia Plath.