Life is a Balancing Act

Jim Mason
Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!
3 min readMay 13, 2024


We can learn to control our pushes and pulls

Photo by Michał Parzuchowski on Unsplash

My most recent Medium article, Webs of Temporarily-Balanced Interacting Forces, was probably a bit too abstract for many readers. I think it can be helpful to draw some practical conclusions from it in this article.

As I described in the earlier article, our existence is a continually-adjusting balance of attractive and repulsive forces, both within our bodies and with our external environments, including other people. As events occur in our lives, the balances change, sometimes mildly and sometimes wildly. We have limited yet vital control over those changes in balance.

Internal changes in our bodies occur as we grow and age. Balances between our skeletons, muscles, and connective tissues are always readjusting, including in our relationship with the persistently attractive external force of gravity. (Earth apparently loves us and seeks to hold us in her grip, sometimes a bit too much.)

If our internal imbalances cause persistent pain or hamper our abilities to move, we can seek professional help from people who are trained in massage therapy, physiotherapy, osteopathic, chiropractic and other techniques for re-balancing our bodies.

Likewise, changes in the balance of our internal organs and systems — our hearts and blood circulation, our respiratory…



Jim Mason
Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!

I study language, cognition, and humans as social animals. You can support me by joining Medium at