Magic Moments

Jim Mason
Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!
1 min readMar 31, 2021


To Linda, who has taught me this by her example

Photo by author

A magic moment may be most mundane.
A simple smile and brief remark, when paired,
may leave a deep impression in your brain
that echoes long, long after it is shared.

You may recall a time from long ago
when one gave such a gift to you by chance.
It could be someone you no longer know,
who simply gave a passing, loving glance.

Your simple act could likewise be a gift,
a precious affirmation of their day,
to someone else who badly needs a lift
as you go kindly, gently on your way.

Be sure your gift’s for someone else, not you;
take care that it be pleasantly received.
Take heed of what you really mean to do;
for we may sometimes, sadly, be deceived.

But, showing due respect, try every day
to gratefully receive and freely give
as many special moments as you may,
as graciously and lovingly you live.



Jim Mason
Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!

I study language, cognition, and humans as social animals. You can support me by joining Medium at