Photo by Ahmed Yaaniu on Unsplash

No Answer


I am enslaved by inaccessible promises

and my mind’s matter just as the moon — a

distant island of sophistical affluence.

Promises that weigh on my mind, like a corpse in a tomb,

and like that of a dethroned king who yet covets the objects of their wealth,

rather than the loss of his subjects.

I’ve gone and returned from nowhere; countless days had led me —

and there in the oceans of choice

I met with the grandeur of loneliness.

I knocked on the revolving door of your dreams — No Answer

And my soul of a wise matter, returned to the flourish of the pen,

the obscure nudity of the world —

the “painting of the fourth bridge”, decorating the view — as I,

loping between the pearls lost by the gods,

I endure only here —

on the surrogate fringes — and the litmus of paper.


R Tsambounieri Talarantas 2023,

All Rights Reserved.



Rigópoula T Tsambounieris
Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!

In my spare time, I’ll be found at my favorite writing spot— where death surely cannot miss me. I’ve been censored... I do not tell—all.