One Woman, Many Faces

This line from, “The Last Temptation of Christ,” is confounding

Daniel Lee
Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!


photo by author

I remembered the line from the Scorsese film, when Christ came down from the cross and began hanging out with a guardian angel type. She was young and virginal. No darkness at all. That should have been a red flag.

Jesus is married to Mary Magdalene, who dies, and it is this angelic companion who suggests he just marry her sister. There’s just one woman, she says, with many faces.

She is revealed to be Christ’s last temptation, and the trickiest face of Satan.

Satan is a flame which I assume is feeding on negative energy. Negative energy is always one-sided, which is what makes it negative. A woman who is being put on a pedestal is negative energy. That’s why she pairs with a whore projection like wine pairs with bread.

The beautiful woman child talks Christ down from the cross, assuring him that he’s suffered enough and his father who loves him would never want him to actually die, it was a loyalty test. I don’t know what was in the author’s mind, I only know that I am entitled to whatever I can take from art, and what I take is that the girl was his anima projection. There are no actual women required other than as blank slates to receive the projections.



Daniel Lee
Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!

I have worked as an editor and magazine journalist. My main interests were psychology and humor.