Raising the Geranium

No, that’s not a Euphemism; but this is a Limerick

Lee Ameka
Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!


The Buddha now sits on top of an attractyl floral planter.

There was a Woke Lady down under
Who claimed her pot plant a Wonder
But next to her plant pot
Smiled the Buddha on his ground spot
because Woke — she most clearly, was Not

Sorry, probably needs an explanation — But the Lady shall remain nameless

Someone, who shall remain nameless, once wrote something making a spectacular claim about her potted geranium and posted a pic of said geranium. To give you an idea of the piece; among other things, it was also tagged ‘Spirituality’.

Someone else (Thank you, James), read that piece recently and told that someone, that the geranium was fine, but having the Buddha on the floor next to it was considered a sacrilege. (Buddha's need to be off the floor)

But wait, it gets worse:

Mortified, that someone, went to the garden shop and purchased a stand, intending that both the geranium and the Buddha would be raised:

