Tesla’s Beautiful Beast of Burden

What’s up with the Tesla Semi hauling timber?

Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!


Prototype Tesla Semi at Tesla HQ (Wikimedia Commons)

1. Why a Tesla Semi?

Tesla is known as the premier designer, manufacturer, and seller of the best electric cars on the market. But Mosaic Forest Management, a Vancouver Island-based timber management company, announced that they will buy several Tesla Semis to haul their timber.

And we know that Tesla is planning to build their electric battery-powered semis at their Nevada Gigafactory site.

So, what is Tesla doing flashing this electric semi-truck?

To figure that out, we have to start with Elon Musk’s mission for Tesla — which is to “accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.“

Let’s parse the sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by sector so see why Musk may have chosen his particular target vehicles for electrification.

This is the EPA’s latest chart showing the sources of GHG emissions.

Source EPA

We see that transportation is the largest source of GHG emissions, followed closely by electricity generation. When tackling a big problem, go for…



Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!

Husband, dad, scientist, loves to share sciency stuff and goofiness. Please follow me: https://twitter.com/DuuudeScience