Poetry | Mantinades | Anthi and M

The Couple With Everything

And a Greek Goddess conspiracy

Carolyn Hastings
Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!
3 min readAug 20, 2021


Image by Tú Anh from Pixabay

Dear Anthi and M’s virtual Greek wedding is almost here
It’s surely the most anticipated event of the year

The invitations are out, and the seating plan has been set
But I’m a tad bit flummoxed ‘coz I haven’t bought a gift yet

What do you give a couple who tell you they have everything -
that love will sustain them forever; hear their happy hearts sing?

Do you think they would be content with some of my poetry?
Maybe a Greek adonic poem of dactyls and trochees?

It would surely be easier than these bless’ed mantinada
It’s a conspiracy between Thalia and Athena!

© Carolyn Hastings 2021

Well, Patrick, look what you’ve done! 😜

My mantinades started out being a celebration of Anthi and M’s upcoming wedding right here in the digitally, electrically, magnetically, romantic Medium (it’s all Greek to me!) and it ended up with me accusing two Greek Goddesses of conspiring to make my life difficult! 😆



Carolyn Hastings
Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!

Well-practiced speech pathologist now practicing to be a children’s book writer — emphasis on practicing.