The Great Huh?

…and a Magic Coffee Pot

Carrie Graham
Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!


Photo courtesy of Gratisography

I once became the proud and sudden owner of a magic coffee pot. This taught me that I am a mere atom in the toenail of The Great Huh? That’s my personal version of what others would call God — I think of it as a hybrid between the Higgs Field and Horton Hears a Who.

The claim of a magic coffee pot, I admit, stretches the bounds of credibility, even though all coffee pots are, by their very nature, somewhat magic. They utilize invisible energy to distill invisible energy from a plant which hails from far, far away and drinking it gives us invisible energy. That’s pretty magic.

This coffee pot was magicker, because I threw it away (well, rehomed it) and it came back, like the cat:

With the coffeepot’s return also came the message that, not only am I utterly powerless before The Great Huh? but even better, that even when I make wrong choices, better ones will be made on my behalf when necessary.

I should learn to trust that more.



Carrie Graham
Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!

Left Coastie, Canadian-ish person. Writey-painty, artsy-webby. Arting at; musicking at; devving at