The Spooky Woodworking Room

Musings From Middle School

Synthia Stark
Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!


Photo by Gabriella Clare Marino on Unsplash — Picture this, but darker and full of sawdust.

I’m a person who hasn’t had that much life experience when it comes to woodworking. However, time and time again, I have flashbacks to middle school, where we had this scary-looking woodworking room.

It was tucked into the back of the school, away from any natural source of light. To get into this room, you had to take the back doors, which were often locked by many bolts and chains.

You had to ring a fancy bell to get in. After eons, one of the teachers would answer, after cautiously opening the door. The teachers always made sure that you were an actual student, in case you were some nosy nobody who lurked in the shadows.

The intercom was sometimes broken, and everyone had many stories surrounding this rarely seen room. You also had to specify the purpose and meaning of the visit. It was a restricted area for almost all students — except for those upper years who were taking a woodworking course.

Photo by Matt Hoffman on Unsplash — The door was a little like this but without the green.

Now, I was not a woodworking student but I needed to get some kind of prop from the physical education teacher who practically lived and breathed in the haunted room. I think I had a…



Synthia Stark
Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!

Canadian Therapist & Former Researcher | 5x Top Writer | Writing about mental health, psychology, science, etc.