This Little Wooden Juicer Is A Technical Marvel

When life gives you lemons, juice it!

Christyl Rivers, Phd.
Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!


My juicer and homegrown lemon, photo by Christyl Rivers

Life will give you lemons

The little tool above has made all the difference on our tiny farm. It’s January, and the crop of lemons this year is huge.

This little juicer is little more than a wooden handle with a very pointed end, sloping sides for the lemon juice to run down, and a place in our hearts forever.

That is because it works. It is so simple.

Most junk you can buy to squeeze lemons is plastic. The pulp gets backed up into the tiny holes. The juice does not flow freely. The thing is usually hard to clean, even when it’s made of superior materials like metal or glass.

There are machines, pulpers, pulverize gadgets, food processors, and more that can cost up to hundreds of dollars. No way.

Yes, I am as cheap as you can get (I prefer frugal) but what I like best is efficiency.

This little juicer reminds me of an Acheulean stone tip used hundreds of thousands of years ago. Maybe even a million years ago. Take that, Sharper Image, you guys have not had the time to perfect and evolve.

The circle of limes (and lemons)



Christyl Rivers, Phd.
Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!

Ecopsychologist, Writer, Farmer, Defender of reality, and Cat Castle Custodian.