Quantum Leaping

To Arcturus And Back

The Odyssey Begins

Upasana Sharma
Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!


Photo by David Kopacz from Pexels

Hello to the people of planet Earth;
I feel like an alien observing this world.
Maybe, I’m just seeing and believing; a conversation — had,
By the people who serve.
With age and knowledge, life seems a chore,
Mainly because we’ve seen it all before.
So, we teach and become masters of ourselves,
And hope we can pass on something of worth.
An old friend knocked on my door:
“Do you fancy coming for a ride on my new
space tour?”
Ow, how I jumped for joy!
And danced in my slippers away from it all.
My friend’s name is Nicola Tesla,
A clever man from a time in a mirrored reflection.
He worked out many things, including space travel,
Electricity and how to build a dimension in time.
I followed him out the door
As his craft throws a shadow across the floor.
It’s a magical wonder –
Full of tech,
With lights flashing beyond your intellect.
We sit and look through the magnificent window.
My street becomes tiny as I get ready for it all.
He presses a button and gives me a wink;
Then we shoot beyond the reaches of this link.
“Where would you like to go?” He said.
“Saturn looks good,” I said
As light bends through the back of my head.
We splashed across the neighboring planets
And looked in wonder as we passed the yellow tints of Titan.
The frosted rings of Saturn looked obscured,
So we fell through the dust to feel amused.
Tesla took me to the outer reaches of this galaxy;
We looked in wonder as gravity took hold.
We could travel with light;
He told me to hold on tight.
Time went backwards as the ship maneuvered over the spectrum of night.
We moved with electric and magnetic sounds
that took us back to when I played in the old school grounds.
I met myself with my siblings and friends;
I walked along the old riverbank where I used to fish on the bend;
I saw moments that defined who I am;
I passed through gravity with the palm of my hand.
And then time passed with a flip and a flash.
I woke up in bed with a memory of the past.

There is no night sky; it’s always been bright.
The stars in our galaxy never collide.
Gravity moves left to right and positions mass away from the light.
We now think of space-time in a nine-dimensional drive
Because solar systems need space to maneuver through the sky.
A galaxy is an engine that powers all of life.
Can you find the replication inside your marvelous mind?
We’re all space travelers, turning energy into stories;
Finding a way in the brink of this design.
What will you leave behind before discovering this borrowed time?
Your brain is built in two halves,
Powering the layers of imagination into a dance.
Cross the bridge and spark through the center of reality — we call chance.
Do you feel lost residing in a charm?
Open up inside a dream,
Discover the meaning of life on a string.
We are not here or over there but disappear without care.
Space has no answers;
Time only exists for chances;
Our galaxy wants to collide with Andromeda
To make a new black hole of circumstances.

Footnote: Quantum Leaping, in words of Merriam Webster, means “an abrupt change, sudden increase, or dramatic advance. Quantum leap is rarely used in scientific contexts, but it originated as a synonym of quantum jump, which describes an abrupt transition (as of an electron, an atom, or a molecule) from one discrete energy state to another”.

In my understanding, Quantum Leaping, denotes a significant shift, in energy and dimension(think in terms of a vibrational frequency).

Energetically speaking, last ten days have been a roller coaster of sorts for me. Its not uncommon for us energy alchemists and spiritualists to experience the sudden “slowing down” and “speeding up” of time in our mental headspaces. We can choose to travel anywhere, with the power of our imagination, past and future. I have had a few OBEs and NDEs before, which really adds to the credence of my time travel outlook.

Time travel, however, looks differently, to most people. While some believe it to be true, while others dismiss it as a mere figment of imagination. Not everyone’s truth is the same though.

Boy! this time around, it was a feckin’ lightening speed of a time travel for me, so to speak. I went all the way to Arcturus, the brightest star in the northern hemisphere, and back. I was here on Earth, physically, but mentally and vibrationally, I was there, all the way up there…Ok! I even had the opportunity to share a few laughs with the Arcturians, the settlers of the star.

What stood out in the entire conversation, was, they spoke nothing at all but laughed and laughed and laughed incessantly, at the sheer stupidity and ignorance of human brains!!! And surprisingly enough, I knew what they were laughing at.(Some of you geniuses are likely to catch my drift 😉)

Whenever we time travel, it is mostly in midst of an ascension process, when the soul is ready to make that next ‘leap’, the quantum leap in its evolutionary journey. For most people, it is usually followed by physical symptoms as well.

I am constantly being shown numbers 777 everywhere. Number being significant of a spiritual ascension, a message from the universe that you are now ready for the next phase of whatever this maze of life is! Phew!! It was not an easy one, this time. I promise. My head felt lighter most of the times, bowels got disturbed, sleep patterns disrupted, mentally and physically felt like shedding of skin. Heavy stuff. It resembles a bad trip, sure, but I assure you its more potent. Time Travel is.

By the time, I got back to Earth, vibrationally, I immediately, felt like an outsider, like I do not belong here. Again, this is a sign of jumping timelines. My physical body is still making adjustments to catch up, albeit we are moving at a much faster pace than earthlings. Us starseeds.

P.S: I was reading a book, Cured, by D.J Irvine, all the while I was going thru the joyride..that’s where I got the above poem pieces from, I thought to myself, woah, sexy timing, Universe! Thank you.

Yes, ET’s are real! At least for some of us…

And a limerick from Thomas Aquinas for Sir William J Spirdione(I do remember the prompt)

There once was a Jesuit knight
Who proved with his logic air-tight
That all of Infinity’s
Touched by Divinity
Starting with ‘Let there be light’

Thank you ScienceDuuude for hosting my humble artwork at your esteemed publication WOTWU. You are a real Rockstar Duuude, for relaying a message from our dearest friend Patrick M. Ohana while he was away!

Thank you my sweethearts, for sharing your precious time and energy.

May the good in the world always find you💜



Upasana Sharma
Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!

Usui reiki master • Shamanic healer • Empowerment coach • Podcaster • Writer • Polyglot • Teacher • Entrepreneur • sharmaupasana333@gmail.com