Travel: Where to Go on the Island of Ischia in Italy

Francesca Di Meglio
Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!
6 min readJun 4, 2021


Discover the Neapolitan island that was the setting for famous films, including Elizabeth Taylor’s “Cleopatra” and Matt Damon’s “Talented Mr. Ripley”

Anticipation builds as Ischia, an island off the coast of Naples in Italy, comes into view. A slight breeze kisses your cheek as you sit on the top of the hydrofoil that is carrying you to your destination. The sun-drenched, pastel buildings, lush hills, and emerald sea are calling you home. You almost can’t smell the pungent gas of the hydrofoil as you walk toward this promise land.

Ischia is ripe for exploration. While Europeans have long known of its goodness, Americans still haven’t discovered the place. Trust me, a visit to this island that neighbors Capri will change your life. If you’re interested in visiting, here is where to go:


As an island off the coast of Naples, Ischia is attractive first and foremost for its beaches. You will see the sea just about any way you turn. Many tourists stay in the capital Ischia Porto and end up at San Pietro beach, which is fine and well. It is the beach I, out of convenience, usually frequent. You can also get a great veal cutlet or octopus in red sauce at a restaurant right…



Francesca Di Meglio
Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!

Francesca Di Meglio is a veteran reporter who has worked for Bloomberg Businessweek and Ladies’ Home Journal. Visit for her blog.