Wise Owl Wednesday ~ 17/04/2024

⭐ for some head-turning thought ⭐

America Zed⚡
Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!


Photo by Dirk van Wolferen on Unsplash

On the matter of Equals …

“ Treat other people as you would wish to be treated ”

By treating and seeing other people as equals, it lets them know that you are humble and free of arrogance. It also makes them feel you have no preconceived ideas, and this helps them feel calm and relaxed around you.

The benefit of being and seeing yourself as an equal, is that it makes one more approachable and likeable, and it’s easier to be a good friend to others however they are.

Others may feel they can open up and talk to you, without fear of being judged harshly in return … How great is that? … especially for those who only find crumbs of compassion.

Thanks for reading!


© America Zed. Other writing by America Zed⚡



America Zed⚡
Woodworkers of the World Unite!!!

Survivor. Optimist. Compassionate Soul ❤️ INSPIRATION / HELP ~ Top Writer in POETRY https://www.solaceforthesensitive.com 🦋