8 Essential Tips for Fresher’s

Rebekka Moore
Wooju App
1 min readSep 14, 2015


By Rebekka Moore, Head of Marketing at Wooju

It’s September again! Which means a lot of students are returning to university or college and the #TipsForFreshers hashtag has been swarming social media.

So we thought that for those students amongst us, we would list some of the most common ‘tips’ that we’ve come across, in order to prepare you for university;

  1. Fresher’s flu is a real thing. There’s no escaping it. Spend your days recovering where possible.
  2. Your professors may have PHD’s but it will take them 20 minutes to figure out how to full-screen a YouTube video.
  3. Instant noodles will take up 80% of your diet.
  4. Memorise the uni postcode. You will use it. At 2am- to order food. Assignment due at 8am.
  5. Any noise, including breathing, is not welcome in the silent study area.
  6. Memorise the uni postcode. You will use it. At 2am- to order food. Assignment due at 8am.
  7. Eat out of the pan, saves on washing up and effort.
  8. And most importantly, be careful at the end of the year, it tends to be when Voldemort tries to kill you.

Be sure to download Wooju now on iOS and Android for all your indecisive moments as a student!

