Is the full game going to fail?

Sébastien Rouxel-An
Published in
3 min readNov 7, 2022

Welcome to the last stretch… Every day, hour, minute brings us closer to the launch.
And of course as the hype and the woolishness grow, so does the anxiety.

Nothing is more frightening than the leap.

It is not just you, everyone has, deep inside, a knot of fear. Will it be ok?

Each reacts and adapts in different ways, you see (and will see) in the chat people..
-Asking questions: “What if the game is delayed to 2023?”
-Being sure that there is a problem: “please tell shep that there need to be ways to spend wool in the game”
-Being upset, snapping at others, getting angry because of jokes, light comments…
-Trolling, because yes, we need to relieve that stress.
…and many more or less intense interactions.

Most of those manifestations of the stress ARE justified, we don’t have all of the answers.
For many it is a huge bag they are carrying, and even if one might not be as big as another it could be heavier comparatively. So of course we got to express. In a way we are simply either asking for the support of the community or trying to hide our doubts.

We are in front of a leap of faith, and it is totally ok if you are over-committed to step back a minute, evaluate, and if needed sell of course.

But we should all know that those reactions are irrational, and try to act logically.

The situation hasn’t changed, this is the same project you have believed in for so long, the fundamentals are the same as they were a few weeks back.
Did you doubt as much at that time? Probably not. Each question has been heard by the shep, the team contains two economists and great techs so they will have an answer to each of the worries above and the others.

Your body reacts to a huge event and the emotions are very real. Facing the launch is not going to be easy. It is time to breathe deep, and look at the situation with as little emotion as possible. This is high risk high reward, this is degen hour and probably why you are here.
We are dopamine addicts. But we have to master ourselves because, in the end, things WILL be ok. Nothing is ever perfect but as long as you take the decision with your head you should not regret it.

What is truly important, and the reason for this text, is that we are an echo chamber when it comes to mood. You should ask a question, or for reassurance if needed. Emotions are going to peak for a while and that also is ok. Let’s try to be here for one another, to be calm when needed, and also not to blame too much someone for their attitude if they are clearly on edge.

I hope we focus instead on enjoying this ride, this is such a thing to live together. We are about to surf a wave like no other, this is freaking awesome. Positivity will prevail.
Let’s conquer those Lands of high stakes and high rewards together.

