Sébastien Rouxel-An
Published in
1 min readAug 12, 2022


Wolf King

People were saying : WG is ded, WOOL is going down till FG, I want to bury myself in the desert and please let me and my asset die in peace.

People forget there is FOMO and there is FUD, Both are irrational, But one was very stupid, and it was to believe that the project that delivered the most ground breaking ideas in the P2E landscape, the project that still shown absolutely NOTHING about its final product while creating one of the most enticing and addictive Web3 experience : cave game, that this project will go from 50c to 1c and just stay there. There was a market crash, people needed liquidity, people were buying nothing, BUT SERIOUSLY WTF if you believed we will stay there.

Fundamentals havent changed, we gained visibility, we started to convert even the people that thought phase 1 of WG was a bottomless ponzi, and we are supposed to sink? I say nay my friends, I say nay.

I dont need to tell you numbers, I just want to say : we are here, we will thrive, do not get trapped in a flawed thinking mode, just look around. Look at the absence of fun, the absence of substance in 99% of the other projects.

Don’t be stupid, be woolish af.

We are the kings of this market, act like one.

