E-Learning is an Entrepreneur’s Best Friend — Here’s Why.

Farah Kim
Published in
4 min readAug 29, 2018

For every entrepreneur starting out, there is at least a hundred different things to learn and understand. From making business plans to proposals, from understanding B2B marketing to B2C marketing, from creating product launch roadmaps to going digital; there is a literally a lot of learning involved. Whether it’s a seasoned entrepreneur or a beginner, the need to learn, to stay updated and to continuously improve is never ending. While there is the need to learn, there is also another major constraint — time. How can a busy entrepreneur who’s often a one man army learn on the go, acquire the skills and still manage to keep their focus on their business? Enter E-Learning — but first, a little throwback!

Online learning

Prior to the internet, entrepreneurs had a hard time gaining access to knowledge and information that could prevent them from making basic but impactful business errors. For those who could afford, learning meant enrolling in a business management program and degree which were costly and yet did not cater to the micro-level learning that an entrepreneur needed. In fact, most of what entrepreneurs in the 80s or 90s learnt were the results of their own experiments, experiences and failures. Entrepreneurs in the 21st century however, are lucky with e-learning.

What Exactly is E-Learning?

Electronic learning or E-learning is learning carried out via any form of electronic media — CDs, DVDs or educational TV channels. In today’s world however, the definition of E-learning has significantly shifted to learning via the internet. In E-learning, you are no longer part of an actual classroom and are learning at your own pace, following your own time-zone and being responsible for your own motivation. The instructor simply delivers the content through an online portal followed by lesson, quizzes, and assessments that you attempt after the course and receive your certification. This form of learning has been made popular by channels like Khan Academy, Coursera, EdEx and the likes.

Is E-Learning Effective?

This fundamental question has been around since the inception of elearning. In fact, it was one of the main concerns educators had at the time, fearing that e-learning would never be as effective as classroom learning. They were not entirely wrong though — e-learning is all about self-motivation and for most people learning all by themselves is not an easy task. You need classmates to connect and talk to. You need interaction with your instructors if you have questions. You need help understanding certain complexities.

These concerns would have rendered e-learning ineffective had other solutions not pop up. Classrooms were replaced by virtual rooms, classmates were replaced by forums and social learning where people communicated with each other, and questions to instructors were possible through email communication and moderator boards. With these solutions in hand, e-learning became a much better learning landscape.

Can You Benefit from E-Learning?

Yes, if you have the willingness and capacity for self-learning. That being said, e-learning is beneficial if you’re a full-time employee, entrepreneur and or someonewho wants to learn but are not able to do so because of time and money constraints. Today, e-learning has even evolved to benefit not just learners but also instructors who use it as a platform to share knowledge, be a mentor and develop their career as a life coach. It is also a platform that allows people with the same interests to gather together, connect and share their ideas and experiences. So, whether you’re a young college boy, a full-time employee, an entrepreneur, a CEO or an aged grandparent, E-Learning is beneficial for you and anyone who wants to learn.

E-Learning and Woomentum

When Woomentum launched its mobile and web app, the fundamental purpose was not just to connect you to a community of entrepreneurs, but also to enable you with knowledge through our online learning feature. Using the Woomentum app, expert members can create courses and entrepreneurs can take those courses at their discretion without spending hundreds of dollars. Woomentum aims for you as a member to share knowledge, receive knowledge and implement knowledge through online learning on the go.

We believe that E-learning can help thousands of entrepreneurs set up and manage their businesses effectively without worrying about failures and costly experiences. The goal of empowering entrepreneurs through the sharing of knowledge is the foundation of our community.

Have something to share with our network? Want to create an online course for our entrepreneurs? Feel free to join us at https://app.woomentum.com and share your knowledge.



Farah Kim

A passionate storyteller, I believe that words have the power to shape cultures and drive societies towards progressive change.