Announcing the Woopra and ActiveCampaign Integration

Hiral Jasani
5 min readOct 19, 2017


Woopra’s AppConnect brings together the most innovative integrations to fuel customer insights. We’ve added several integrations over the past few months and we’re going to keep them coming!

Today, we’re thrilled to welcome ActiveCampaign to Woopra’s suite of AppConnect integrations. ActiveCampaign is a leading marketing automation platform that brings powerful features for email segmentation and automation workflows.

With the Woopra and ActiveCampaign integration, users can track and optimize their marketing and sales workflows directly from within the Woopra platform. Woopra’s customer journey funnels and segmentation data enable users to deliver contextually relevant messages to improve conversions and drive customer engagement.

The integration comes with pre-built automations for a number of actions that you can take to supercharge your marketing and sales activities, leveraging one of Woopra’s key functionalities — real-time triggers.

In the next section, we’ll go over each automation and how Woopra triggers allow users to perform actions that help to monitor engagement, optimize campaign performance and boost conversions.


1. Add/remove contacts from contact lists or automation workflows in real-time

With this integration, users are able to identify any visitor property and action to segment contacts in real-time and add/remove those contacts from a contact list.

For example, say you want to select contacts that signed up on your website and tweeted about your company in the last 30 days. You want to subscribe these contacts to an ‘active signup’ segment in your contact list. Woopra’s real-time triggers allow users to automatically add them to a contact list and trigger nurture emails to the right audience, with the right messaging at the right time.

Similarly, users can choose to add or remove contacts from their automation workflows based on real-time behaviors. Suppose a marketer plans to run a drip campaign on contacts that have visited your product’s pricing page at least 5 times in the last 30 days.

With Woopra, ActiveCampaign users can instantly add these contacts to an automation workflow — e.g.: their drip campaign — and identify highly relevant content that helps these contacts make a purchase decision.

2. Automatically qualify deals in ActiveCampaign pipelines

With the Woopra integration, users can dynamically automate their sales pipeline based on contact properties or engagement with their brand.

Suppose you want to qualify a deal in ActiveCampaign when your contact clicked on a retargeting ad, arrived on a landing page and submitted a demo request. Woopra can track all of these activities and, when contacts have met the above criteria, they can be automatically added to a deal pipeline in ActiveCampaign. If a contact does not exist in a pipeline, Woopra can automatically create a new deal in ActiveCampaign.

3. Automatically add/remove Tags in ActiveCampaign based on real-time engagement

Ever been in a situation where you realize that you have too many contact tags and most of them are now redundant? Or worse, you realize that most of the tags are based on static information but you need to account for a much more dynamic contact behavior to enrich your tags?

The Woopra and ActiveCampaign integration allows you to tag contacts based on any number of actions they take on your website, mobile app or within your product.

With Woopra’s real-time tracking, users can ensure that their tags are always relevant and they capture dynamic customer behavior. Dynamic tagging also allows marketers to send highly relevant content to their contacts. Moreover, Woopra can be a great place to keep track of all your tag criteria and iterate as your contact segments evolve.

For example, let’s say you want to identify all contacts who came from a Facebook referral link and subscribed to your newsletter in the last quarter. Once you create this segment in Woopra, simply use a trigger to tag them as “Facebook referrals” to place them in a drip campaign.

4. Add notes to contacts in ActiveCampaign to enrich sales and marketing pipeline

Oftentimes, marketing and sales team members want to be able to add specific information to a group of contacts within a segment. This can be done using ‘notes’ in ActiveCampaign contacts.

However, this has to be done manually for each contact. In order to quickly add a note to a group of contacts, users can simply create a trigger in Woopra to add a note on contacts who match a segment. Your note can also include Woopra data in those contact notes using the Woopra “tags” dropdown.

5. Inbound and outbound contact sync

During the integration setup, Woopra lets users select the contact fields they want to map to visitor properties in Woopra. The mapper then tracks any changes to these fields in both Woopra and ActiveCampaign to ensure that the contact information in both tools is always current.

This can avoid manual efforts in terms of always keeping the contacts updated with the most current information.


With so many features and workflows, marketers and sales teams are constantly overwhelmed. The ActiveCampaign integration streamlines automation workflows, leaving you with several ways to optimize conversions and deliver personalized messaging at scale.

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Hiral Jasani
Writer for

Product Marketer at CleverTap. I love all things at the intersection of analytics and business.