1–1000k: I’m Challenging Myself to Make $1000 by the End of February

Addison Calvin
Word Garden
Published in
3 min readFeb 9, 2024
Photo by Mathieu Stern on Unsplash

It is a dream of many to replace their weekly income from a 9–5 job. We look for that side hustle that will score big and let us pay our bills and have a little fun. That’s the dream. A dream that I also have had for many years and want to make an actual reality as well.

At the current time of writing this article, I have made a meager $1.40, which was the most exciting dollar I have ever earned to be fair. However, I will not be retiring from it anytime soon.

Now, a dollar is an excellent place to start and a great motivator. It showed me that someone wanted to read my work and that I could make money from it. The next step is to build on that, and that’s why, by the end of February, I aim to make 1000k from my writing. Here’s how!

Comment, Like, Save

Medium readers and writers support each other. That is the beauty of this platform. People want others to succeed and help them succeed at the same time! Everyone can win.

This is the first way I plan to help myself and my goal by focusing on other people’s writing and spending time each day reading, commenting, and replying to others on this platform.

Anyone reading this, please drop a comment below and let me know that you did and what you write about. I will happily come over to your page and read your articles!

Quality in Posting

Not everyone can write every day and publish excellent work. That is a challenging task and unobtainable for those of us still working other jobs to sustain ourselves out in the real world.

However, posting a few times a week with good quality articles that give the reader something is possible. This is what I plan to do precisely, and I want to bring my readers a few quality articles every week that will leave them with something they didn’t have before. Whether this be writing an article as simple as a cheap but delicious recipe or advice on improving their writing, anything goes as long as it’s quality!


Along with posting on Medium, I want to build a wider audience for my writing. To achieve that, I am launching a weekly Newsletter starting on February 10th, 2023! Go ahead and sign up for tips about freelancing and travel.

With a newsletter, I can connect even more with my readers and share my knowledge more personally.

Alright, there you have it; my challenge starts today! Check back here to keep up with my progress and become part of my community. Also, please feel free to drop a hello in the comments. I love to connect with the people who read my work and am happy to read yours as well!

I look forward to getting to know all of you!



Addison Calvin
Word Garden

Independent Writer who loves to explore the world and share his experiences!