10 Daily Habits That Will Unlock More Time In Your Day

Qlear Insight
Word Garden
Published in
8 min readJul 17, 2024

Learn time saving hacks so you have more time to do the things that truly matter to you.

Photo by Christopher Jolly on Unsplash

Have you ever felt like you have so much to do that you have no idea where to start?

Do you feel like watching something random on Netflix again because you can actually feel the work starting to pile up from telling yourself everyday… “I’ll do it tomorrow”?

Making time for yourself is becoming a top priority amongst the population as more and more people are becoming aware that self preservation is just as important as surviving the daily rat race!

In this guide, we’ll look into how to get more organised. As well as go through 10 daily habits that will clear clutter as you go along your day and give you more time for the things that truly matter without feeling overwhelmed.

1. To-Do List: Master the Art of How to Organise Your Life

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To-do lists are fantastic things that help us organise our thoughts and our day better. According to research undergone by Microsoft, up to 76% of US citizens are reliant on To-Do lists to navigate their day to day lives. How interesting that in this digital age people still rely on to-do lists.

So the first step to gaining more time and reducing stress is learning how to organise your life properly. Long lists of unfinished jobs that are left over day after day just make you feel bad and eventually stressed as they build up. Start by creating a comprehensive to-do list that outlines all your daily tasks. Then breakdown your long list into small bitesize jobs, spread them out over a period of time and then ensure you have no more 5–6 items on your daily to-do list (i.e. 2–3 priority/ important jobs and 2–3 quick jobs).

You’ll see this not only helps you to stay on top of your game but once you have completed all the jobs on your daily to do list you’ll feel much happier, motivated and progressive as you will then have more time to do things you enjoy. Read here about how you can create a more relaxed working day

2. The NOT To-Do List

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Lets be honest, most “to-do” lists are pretty boring and so we end up procrastinating, scrolling down social media or just answer unimportant emails. All this in the hope to distract us from the real job at hand. Instead, make a list of the things that you are NOT going to do this week.

This is an ingenious stress-reducing tool that keeps you away from time-wasting activities or habits that spike stress levels. This way your mind makes a conscious effort not to get engaged in such activities. If you have something on your mind that you can’t seem to shake off, read more about how to fix worry here

3. Prep Like a Pro by Preparing The Night Before!

Image by Deagreez at freeimages.com

Ever wondered how successful people seem to breeze through their day? The secret lies in preparing the night before. Do you remember, back in the day, when you got your school bag ready the night before? The whole idea behind it was so that you could sleep for as long as possible in the morning before forcing yourself out of bed to get to school. That way you never forgot your football kit, or your maths homework or even your chocolate bar for lunch.

The same can be applied to adult life. Lay out your clothes, pack your bag, and make a checklist for tomorrow. This daily habit will help you start the day running in the morning to give you a stress free day!

4. Laser Focus

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We’re all guilty of multitasking as we hope we can get more done in less time but it very rarely works out that way as it often leads to increased stress and reduced productivity. Truth is the human brain is designed to do only one thing at a time, which can be seen quite clearly whenever you watch an expert at work whether it’s a doctor, lawyer, teacher or an athlete.

So if you want to get more work done in less time, harness the power of focusing your awareness on one task and ensure there is nothing distracting you from that task. You’ll be amazed to see that you become more productive and be more satisfied with getting a quality job done!

One of the ways of becoming laser focused is by creating the perfect environment that eliminates distractions. That could mean having a clear clutter free desk or bright lighting to illuminate your room or even small plants to give a natural feeling to the room. Even music can help, according to Stanford University, classical music forces the brain to pay attention. So try to pick music that doesnt have any lyrics so you can get in the mood to focus your concentration.

5. The Extra Hour: Your Daily Time Expansion Trick

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Sometimes when jobs build up they can feel as though they are weighing on your mind. So consider waking up an hour early in the week and give yourself a chance to catch up. This simple daily habit grants you an extra 60 minutes of precious time before the world awakens. Doing this everyday, can give you an extra 7 hours of time in a week. Eventually it can equate to an extra 15 days in a year! It’s your secret time-expanding tool.

That extra hour a day can even be used to do something for yourself like; spending more time eating breakfast, fitting in some morning exercise, reading a book or even learning a new online skill! Read more about how you can train your brain to problem solve like a genius

6. Schedule Time for “Boring-Jobs” Time

Image by diana.grytsku at freepik.com

Some jobs just have to be done every so often, like paying bills, organising a plumber, dental appointments, etc. They’re all tasks that feel as though they’re designed especially to make you yawn but still have to be done.

Enter the “boring jobs” list! Allocate a specific time slots in your day, put on a stop watch and then complete as many of these tasks as possible. Knowing that you have dedicated time for them, makes them feel less daunting and allows your mind to feel free to focus on the other meaningful jobs during the day. Then once you have committed some time to doing them, even if its 20 minutes, you’re left feeling less stressed!

7. Permission to Let Go

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After a certain age responsibility becomes a part of your daily chores and we forget what its like to be ourselves again. So give yourself permission to enjoy some quiet time for yourself. Sometimes, it’s okay to say no or delegate tasks to others just so you can get a break. You don’t have to be a superhero. Recognize your limits and prioritize your well-being. Chores will still be there tomorrow. This daily habit frees up valuable time and helps reduce stress.

8. Digital Diet To Free Your Mind

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Technology is everywhere; smartphones, T.V, computer, games etc. and most devices tend to give off radiation in some way or form. Notifications can be “pinging” on various devices every so often and we can’t help but jump to attention to see what it is every so often. Our digital devices can be very tiring, distracting and eventually suck out time from our day. According to research conducted by National Center for Biotechnology Information, it can even have an affect on your mental health such as anxiety and depression.

So try going on a digital detox. Set boundaries for screen time, especially during work or family time. Consider using apps to track and limit your usage to certain hours of the day. You could even make a decision to go without technology for a day for the ultimate digital detox! You’ll be surprised just how much more relaxed you will feel.

9. Schedule “Fun” Time

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Amid all the chaos, don’t forget to schedule time for fun and relaxation. Rewarding yourself for your hard work in the week is essential for reducing stress and nurturing happiness. This can be something as simple as reading, taking a leisurely walk, going for a coffee with a great friend, taking a day trip or even time with family members. Anything that truly makes you happy and just gives you a break from your to-do list. Read more about how to be more happy every day

10. Evaluate Your Week

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

As the week draws to a close, take a moment to reflect on your accomplishments and challenges, then look at where you are spending your time. If you don’t like what you see, adjust it for the following week. This practice helps you fine-tune your daily habits and priorities. Celebrate your achievements, learn from your setbacks, and adapt your schedule accordingly.

Remember: We work so that we can enjoy living this life, do not end up living in order to just work on a monotonous to-do list.

Imagine in your mind that a year has passed, how would you like to look back at the time gone? Each day makes up a week, each week makes up months which then turns into years. Make sure you enjoy everyday so that when you look back you can be satisfied.

So thats your 10 daily habits that will give you more time in your day. By incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, you’ll discover the art of how to organise your life, reduce stress, and help give you more time to do things that you enjoy.

Life doesn’t have to be a chaotic sprint; it can be a joyful marathon.

Self-improvement is a journey without an endpoint, and it’s perfectly fine to take small steps towards your goals.

What did you think?

Share your thoughts, experiences, and additional tips in the comments below. Let’s create a community of support and inspiration as we collectively learn how to start living our best lives. The journey continues, and the best is yet to come!

Thanks for reading. Wishing you a life of peace and harmony.



Qlear Insight
Word Garden

On a Mission To Create, Inspire and Make a Positive Difference to The World.