4 Key Questions that Helped Me Scale My Business to $20K/Mo

They can help you scale your business as well…

Joe Testouri
Word Garden
3 min readJun 5, 2024


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You might not think these questions are important, but answering them honestly has helped me sign clients for my agency more easily.

Answering them could also be the key to scaling your agency without burning out. Trust me, I’ve been there, and I know how crucial it is to get this right. Let’s dive into these four questions and see how they can transform your business.

1. Does My Prospect Need What I’m Selling?

Think about it: would you try to sell aspirin to a perfectly healthy person? Sure, you might convince a few to buy it “just in case,” but compare that to a room full of people with pounding headaches. The aspirin practically sells itself!

Now, imagine your offer is that aspirin, and your ideal clients are the folks with the headache. If your prospect doesn’t have the problem your service solves (the “headache”)… it’s a miserable sales process for everyone involved. You risk getting a chargeback a few weeks down the line if they buy anyway.

However, when your prospects are desperate for a solution, closing the deal becomes effortless. It’s all about finding the right people who genuinely need what you’re offering.

2. Is This a Feasible Product That Can Help My Prospect Grow in the Long Run?

Think of it like selling diet pills versus healthy meal plans. Quick fixes might offer immediate results, but they fizzle out quickly. On the other hand, a healthy meal plan provides sustainable, long-term benefits.

Does your offer create lasting results for your clients? If not, you should rethink your approach. A product that genuinely helps your clients grow will not only earn their trust but also their long-term business and referrals.

3. Can My Prospect Afford My Product?

This is where ethical sales come into play. Imagine pushing someone on a tight budget to buy a luxury car. It’s bad for them and bad for your reputation. If your product is overpriced for their needs, you’re better off not selling to that prospect.

Selling to someone who can’t afford your product is a lose-lose situation. They’ll struggle to make payments, and you’ll end up dealing with unhappy clients and potential refund requests. Make sure your pricing aligns with what your target market can realistically afford.

4. Does My Prospect Want My Product?

Imagine trying to sell a steak to a vegetarian. Even the best pitch won’t work if the product isn’t a good fit for the prospect. If it’s not what they want, you’re wasting your time.

Your time would be better spent talking to prospects who are a good fit for what you’re offering. It’s about aligning your product with the desires and needs of your potential clients.

To sum this up…

Answering these questions honestly will bring clarity to your sales process. No more chasing dead-ends — just focusing on the clients who are ready to invest in your product and see success.

By ensuring your prospects need, can afford, and genuinely want your product, you create a smoother sales process for yourself and a better experience for your clients.

This approach not only helps you scale your agency… but also ensures you’re building a sustainable business that thrives on satisfied clients.

Scaling your agency isn’t about working harder; it’s about working smarter. Focus on these four key questions, and you’ll find yourself on the path to success without the burnout. Remember, clarity in your sales process will lead to better results and a more enjoyable journey for both you and your clients.

Want to grow your agency faster?

Check out my free course that shows you how to attract high-quality clients without burnout…

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Joe Testouri
Word Garden

I share my agency knowledge to help you scale your agency business to $20K/Mo. The Founder of Bespoke Academy. Scaled my agency & coaching business to $40K/Mo.