4 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was 18

I would be in a better place now

Carl Jeffers
Word Garden


Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Okay, I know the title made me sound ancient. I’m only 24, but I feel a million miles away from when I was 18. Both in age and in personality. I’m a totally different person now and I wish I would’ve had a mentor at that age. Someone to give me some useful advice that would impact my life positively there and then.

I’m hoping to do that to anyone who I have a few years on today, I’m not saying my life is perfect, it’s not even close, not even within seeing distance, but is anyone's life truly perfect?

While your age doesn’t mean you aren’t more knowledgeable, you might be missing out on a few pieces of advice that come to you, the more life experience you gain.

And while I’m still in the young buck years of my life compared to many, this article is for… uh.. the baby bucks..? Even though most I’ve met on here like Sam Krämer and Frank Bouc, speak like a much more experienced buck, than I. Right, that’s enough buck talk, get it?

Let’s get into 4 pieces of advice I would’ve appreciated when I first ‘became an adult’.

You Aren’t an Adult

Just crushed your dreams there didn’t I? Only joking, well, technically not, but you get me. Your whole life you’ve been looking…



Carl Jeffers
Word Garden

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