6 Books for Rookie Writers

Invaluable books to improve your writing skills.

Dr. Jay Chatwani
Word Garden
4 min readFeb 16, 2024


Photo by Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash

Pfft! Everyone knows writing consistently is paramount to being a successful writer on Medium.

But it can be hard to find motivation to sit down and write; it can start to feel like a JOB.

A great way to practice writing is by learning the art of writing and applying what you’ve learned

It’s really exciting to see improvement in your writing as you find ways to apply what you’ve learned.

I’ve come across a few books that’ll help you give a purpose to write regularly along with helping you sharpen your writing skills.

1. The Art and Business of Online Writing by Nicolas Cole

It’s the Best book I’ve come across for beginners especially if your goal is to write in a blog or story format like here on Medium.

The book breaks down every step of the process from title to conclusion even giving you templates to structure your post when you’re starting out.

If you aren’t familiar with the know-how of online writing, do yourself a favor and read it.

2. Writing for Emotional Impact

As you write a few stories, you’ll notice people don’t like information thrown at them, they like stories that share personal experiences which makes it more relatable.

At the end of the day, the most important factor is how the point gets across to the reader.

So evoking any emotion in a reader be it positive or negative, is a great tool to improve engagement with your work and this book will teach you how to write to elicit the desired emotion from your readers.

3. Writing tools

Roy Peter Clark has boiled down his decades of experience in journalism and writing into 50 essays that cover a variety of topics…

  • How to create a habit of writing
  • Writing in a way that has more impact
  • How to structure your writing

It’s one of the most recommended books to writers and seeing the value it provides with practical advice one can see why.

4. On Writing Well — The Classic Guide for Writing Non-fiction

Clarity in writing can help you guess whether it’s written by a pro or someone starting out.

How to make your point with simplicity and clarity is the main lesson I got from this book.

To reduce the fuss from your writing and to get your point across with as few words as possible, get a look into it.

5. The Practice by Seth Godin

The writer shares valuable insights about the process of writing in the form of short essays.

Following him for a while I can tell you he has a knack for putting his point across with very few words and he’ll always surprise you with insights that you’ll find obvious but never articulated like he does.

6. The Elements of Style

In a really short book, the writer teaches the craft of writing… The style of writing.

He’ll also teach you the basics of grammar and how much difference it makes in your writing.

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Bonus Book:

The Art of X-ray Reading: It’ll help you understand the importance of the arrangement of words in your writing by going through classic works of literature.

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