70% of People Read Books and Have Little Results. Why is That?

We’re in a world of information but have little to show for it.

Deborah Aduola
Word Garden
3 min readMar 29, 2024


Photo by Road Trip with Raj on Unsplash

Successful people are cool.

Big Lambos, paparazzi, a stress-free life (well they don’t really have to stress for the next paycheck), people admiring and wishing to be like them.

They seem to live in a perfect bubble.

And whether you admit it or not, you want to be like them.

Luckily, these people have made their secrets available for us. Shoot, they have also recommended resources that aided them on their journey to greatness.

But why do we not have more than one Elon Musk?

The Paradox of Reading 📖

The key to greatness is mental transformation.

Mental transformation is a turnaround in your mindset and thinking that causes you to achieve great feats.

And you experience that transformation through books.

Photo by Matias North on Unsplash

But reading books in not enough. The statistics prove it.

About 2.2 million new titles get published each year, according to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Google also arrived at an approximate of 129 million published books in 2010.

Imagine how many books exist today.

If there is such a wealth of knowledge in existence that people actively engage with, why do our lives seem to be the same?

We don’t partner with the books we read.

Imagine if there were only one copy of a book in the world.

How would you approach it?

Would you simply glaze over its words with little effort? Or would you engage it until you squeeze out every inch of wisdom?

When you engage too little with knowledge, you get little from it.

Knowledge in any form has the potential to change your life — whether it is a YouTube Video, book summary, or Medium post.

We have become too accustomed to the wealth of insight around us, that we don’t do the extra work to be impacted and transformedby the knowledge we access.

Afterall, why stress yourself when you can Google up a solution?

Google has its use.

But it cannot replace the insight that comes when you read, reread, meditate, act upon, reflect and review information from successful people ahead of you.

A book to a lazy man is a series of words. But to a smart man, it is a tool for change.

How you view knowledge determines how you interact with it.

And how you interact with knowledge determines how much you get from it. That’s why people benefit more when they pay for a solution, compared to when they access it for free.

We value what we pay for. We see it as better and engage with it more seriously.

Want to change your life through reading?

Be diligent. Read good books. Engage with it. Don’t make checking off a book reading list your priority. Instead, stay with a book until one thing in your life changes from the knowledge you have.

Treat every information as a million-dollar ticket.

Everyone can be great. It depends on who’s ready to put in the work.

Photo by dlxmedia.hu on Unsplash

Thank you for reading 👏🏼

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