A Better Way to Think Of Writing As a Writer

Insights from an interview with Jason Fried

Deborah Aduola
Word Garden
2 min readAug 6, 2024


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

I watched a podcast episode by David Perell on his How I Write podcast.

David featured Jason Fried, founder and CEO of 37 signals — the makers of the popular project management software, Basecamp.

It felt weird at first.

What would a software developer know about writing?

Turns out Jason Fried has authored four books, including Rework and It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work.

Great reads.

These books not only have unique perspectives of the business world, but they are also well-written.

Jason writes all over social media too.

He writes what he calls “founder letters” for his products. And shares his learnings on a self-named website.

In short, his writing is good.

At least, I find it interesting.

But how does he approach writing?

In the interview, Jason emphasized writing as communication.

In his words,

“Don’t write. Communicate.”

He views writing as a means to an end, and not the “thing” itself. Writing is a medium to share your thoughts and ideas.

The important feat is sharing your thoughts and ideas in a way that feels right to you.

It’s your thoughts and ideas.

If your message doesn’t sit well with you, it can’t resonate with your reader.

Here are more noteworthy points from the interview:

  • Good writing comes from intuition.
  • Write from a spark — a motivation. A flow.
  • Write how you communicate. Be yourself.
  • Writing is the synthesis and clarity of an idea on the page.
  • For creative pursuits, work with inspiration, not structure.
  • Write when you have something to say.

Writing can be many things — a business, a strategy, or a hobby.

But for creators who enjoy sharing their ideas and knowledge, writing is a medium.

A medium to transform the lives of your readers by communicating an idea.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Thanks for reading 👏🏽

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