A Harmony of Hobbies and Writing Growth

Fuel Your Writing with Diverse Passions

Olivia Reed
Word Garden
4 min readJun 25, 2024


Photo by Kareya Saleh on Unsplash

Life is an adventure, a constant dance between unexpected twists and turns. One moment I’m lost in the intricate world of aerospace engineering, the next I’m knee-deep in honey-scented bliss, tending to my buzzing hives with a tiny, sticky toddler clinging to my leg. My days are a vibrant tapestry woven from the threads of engineering, beekeeping, motherhood, and the ever-present passion for writing. It’s a whirlwind, a joyous chaos, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

This juggling act, this balancing of diverse interests, is the very fuel that powers my writing. Every experience, no matter how big or small, adds a unique layer of richness and authenticity to my words, allowing me to connect with readers in a profound and meaningful way. I’ve discovered that embracing a variety of interests, even those that seem unrelated, is a superpower for writers. It’s the key to crafting stories that resonate deeply, inspire the imagination, and leave a lasting impression on the reader’s heart.

Beekeeping and Aerospace: A Cosmic Connection

Beekeeping and aerospace engineering might seem like odd bedfellows, but they’re the hidden fuel behind my writing. I find myself constantly drawing inspiration from both, discovering connections where others might not. The bees, with their intricate hive and tireless work ethic, sparked a story about teamwork and shared goals — something I experience in both my personal and professional life.

Space exploration, on the other hand, has fueled my writing with themes of innovation and resilience, the need to conquer challenges in the face of the unknown. My days are a constant dance between these two seemingly different worlds. Whether I’m analyzing the complex systems of an aircraft or carefully tending to a beehive, these experiences shape my perspective and feed my creative fire. It’s like a cosmic connection, weaving together science, nature, and humanity into stories that speak to readers on a deeper level.

Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

The Reed Family Circus

Our family is a whirlwind of creativity. My husband, Austin, is a master woodworker, always fixing and building something amazing. Sharon, our artistic daughter, brings her own form of magic, transforming clay into fantastical creatures. Katherine, our youngest, is a water nymph at heart, drawn to any puddle or pool, her joy contagious. These moments, big and small, fuel my writing.

One minute, I’m chasing a paint-splattered toddler, the next, I’m capturing a photograph of Katherine’s pure delight as she splashes in a puddle. It’s chaotic, hilarious, and utterly exhausting, but it’s also the source of my inspiration. Our family life, full of humor, heart, and a dash of crazy, is the foundation of my stories, a constant reminder that the most captivating tales often emerge from the most unexpected places.

Austin’s Workshop, My Writing Desk

Austin, with his love for woodworking, brings a unique kind of magic to our home. He transforms wood into beautiful and practical pieces, working with his hands, each piece a testament to his skill. The quiet intensity he brings to his craft, the patience, and the joy of creation are a welcome contrast to my world of engineering projects. Watching him work, I’m reminded of the importance of detail, the quiet beauty of patience, and the simple joy of creating something tangible. It’s like a soothing counterpoint to my often frenetic pace.

This contrast, this interplay of precision and artistry, enriches both our lives and my writing. It reminds me that beauty and value exist in both the tangible and the intangible, in the technical and the artistic. Creativity comes in many forms, and the most unexpected sources can fuel our passions in surprising ways.

Photo by Xinyi W. on Unsplash

The Magic of Many

I used to think having many interests meant I was scattered, but now I see it as a writer’s superpower. It’s like having a toolbox full of experiences to draw from, ready to be used in your writing.

Need to write about engineering? My aerospace background is at your service. Want a story about nature’s organization? My beekeeping days are ready to provide inspiration. A story about the chaotic beauty of family life? Count on me to provide hours of entertaining material! If you’re feeling stuck or uninspired, remember that your passions are your secret weapons. Embrace them, let them flow into your writing, and watch your words become vibrant, relatable, and uniquely you. The more diverse your experiences are, the more impactful your writing will be.

The Power of Diverse Passions

Embrace the chaos! Let your seemingly unrelated passions mingle and watch the magic unfold. Your writing will become richer and more vibrant the more you experience.

You have the power to create a symphony of words that reflects your unique voice and experiences. Go out, explore your passions, and let them fuel your writing. If you’re interested in learning more about unlocking your writing potential, follow me for more insights. Let’s write from the heart, with a touch of bee pollen and a sprinkle of woodworking sawdust.



Olivia Reed
Word Garden

Hi! I'm Olivia :). I live in Miami with Austin, my wobbly-chair carpenter husband, and our kids, Sharon and Katherine. Join our fun productivity journey!