A Tree Doesn’t Compete With Trees Around It, It Just Grows!

Focus On Your Own Growth

The Fitpreneur Network
Word Garden


Image by Freepik

In a previous article, I mentioned, how Instagram has become one of my go-to sources for writing inspiration. And here’s a perfect example of why: I just came across a quote that really got me thinking:

“A Tree doesn’t compete with trees around it, It Just Grows!”

Have you ever noticed the trees around you, they don’t compare themselves to other trees around them, they just grow.

Whether they’re in a dense forest, a park, or standing alone in a field, each tree would stretch its branches toward the sun and roots itself deeper into the earth without a second thought about the others around it.

They don’t compete for the tallest or the widest position, they just simply focus on being the best version of themselves.

This got me thinking — why don’t we do the same?

In a world where we’re filled with individuals who are constantly comparing themselves to…



The Fitpreneur Network
Word Garden

Writing about Entrepreneurship, Solopreneurship and Freelancing while empowering individuals to reach their aspirations.