AI Powered Rocket Ship

Jeff Allen
Word Garden
Published in
4 min readJun 6, 2024


A Story of Discovery

Photo by Brian McGowan on Unsplash

Just like that, the rocket ship takes off through a cloud of smoke and begins to rise over the world. Inside the 6 crew members seatbelt bound to their chairs, nervous to some degree, wait for the weightlessness and freedom to move around the ship, which surprisingly will not be long now.

The rocket continues to climb, and the boosters disengage and slowly tumble back towards the earth. Continuing its journey to other worlds, the rocket now takes over the propulsion and the crew realize weightlessness is upon them. They begin to move around the cabin and as they congratulate each other for making it this far a TV screen lights up with a talking head who tells them that they are on an important mission to unravel the mysteries of the solar system.

They will travel farther than any human has travelled before in space and there are no guarantees of their safety as they will lose radio contact once they flight passed Pluto. It’ll be a while before they reach their destination because the destination is unknown. The rocket ship’s AI computer is navigating and constantly taking in data from its surroundings.

The “proof of life” module is a breakthrough in technology that works with the AI system to produce a map of where other lifeforms may exist that have not been discovered by earth humans. Suddenly, the AI…



Jeff Allen
Word Garden

Husband, father, lifetime DIY'er, runner, former small business owner, and tech enthusiast sharing perspective thru writing.