Are Your Ads DOA? 3 Reasons Why (and How to Fix It)

Stop Sabotaging Your Success

Brad Davenport
Word Garden
2 min readMay 13, 2024


Image Sourced Via Canva Pro

Ads fail!

And not because of bad luck but because of lousy strategy…

Here’s why:

They Don’t Grab And Keep Attention

Part of the problem is short attention spans…

However, it’s game over if your ad doesn’t hook them instantly with a bold headline, compelling image, or intriguing question.

The ad’s aim is snagging their attention, but can they hold it?

Putting out a confusing or boring message won’t keep them around long enough to care about your product.

They’re A Bait & Switch Gone Wrong

The ad and the landing page…

A million miles apart.

When you click on an ad only to land on a page that doesn’t resemble your expectations, you know what I mean!

You’re incensed because you know it’s a trick. Jarring, right?

Your ad should set the stage for your landing page.

A consistent message, visual style, and tone of voice build trust and keep users in your funnel.

They’re Talking To The Wrong Crowd

It’s not about you, it’s about your audience.

Your ad is a non-starter if it doesn’t address your target audience’s pain points, desires, and language.

  • Know your ideal customer intimately.
  • What keeps them up at night?
  • What do they dream about?

Address those things in your ad.


Successful ads have attention-grabbing hooks, seamless transitions, and a message that speaks intimately to their audience.

Get these three things right; you’ll turn clicks into conversions.



Brad Davenport
Word Garden

I help ambitious individuals leverage their mindset and motivation to create compelling content that drives passive income online.