Be Wild, Be Free

Candy Prisms
Word Garden
Published in
2 min readJun 21, 2024
Photo made by author on Canva

This quote has been an affirmation in my life for as long as I can remember. It stops you, and makes you really focus on life, and what is worthwhile.

Being wild and free can mean something different to everyone. What I take away, is life is ever changing. The beautiful is in watching the changes, and knowing it’s doing as it should. Free to start the next season, a new birth, even the sadness of the end of a life. All of life must happen, and it’s how we choose to deal with it that makes even the saddest of times full of good memories. Be wild and free, and grab those happy memories for every single occasion in life.

Photo by Stan B on Unsplash

I strive to live my life wild. I want to experience what I can and take those scary chances. The what-ifs are silenced as I dive head-first into the next adventure. I’ve been given a life of struggles due to Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis. I’m also recovering from my second hip surgery, as I have hip dysplasia, and they needed to correct my sockets to cover the femoral head.

It’s a long journey of healing, as I’m unable to put weight on that leg for six weeks, and I’m on day three. However, I’m not going to let it take over. I’m going to live as much as possible, even during the healing phase. It may look different then if I can get up and go, but the wild and free is still a possibility.

“All good things are wild and free.” — Henry David Thoreau

I’ll use these six weeks to hone in some more skills, to take chances on creative projects, or read a new book I typically wouldn’t. No one defines the wild and free, but you.



Candy Prisms
Word Garden

Mom | Writer | Invisible Illness | Small Business owner | Books and book reviews | ADHD rambles