AI generated illustration of a crazed, unhinged writer
Midjourney. Prompted by the author.

Create First Lines With ChatGPT as a Prompt for Your Writing

AI is Not All Bad for Fiction Writers

Word Garden
Published in
4 min readFeb 10, 2024


By now you must have been living under a rock if you’ve never heard the phrase “prompting”. Basically it means giving commands to an AI in such a way that it can create content/a response as desired by the prompter.

I wrote an article about how AI can and will write emotional fiction further delving into the power of a good prompt, if you are interested.

But right now, right here, we’re going to reverse the roles. Kinda.

That Very First Sentence

One of the hardest parts about creative writing is actually getting started. We all know the advice that a strong first sentence is all it takes to hook the reader. It is like an interesting door, with ornaments and an air of mystique around it, so readers are enticed to open it up and step into your fictional world.

There are many examples of very good first sentences. Let’s look at three of my favorites to set the stage for the rest of the article:

“It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.”
-George Orwell, 1984



Word Garden

Hailing from Austria, a self-employed graphics designer and writer since 2009. Loves long walks in the forest, rain, thoughtful solitude and silly raccoons.