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Dangers of Confession

Not everyone truly cares, and yes — they don’t need to

Jui Han
Published in
2 min readMay 2, 2024


Confession — We forget our fault when we have confessed it to another person, but he does not generally forget it.

— Friedrich Nietzsche, Human all too Human

A pang of burning guilt arises from doing what we should not. The severity of each act and how we manage to get past the consequences that come with it differs for each of us. Some manage to brush it off, some are lucky to have very few people to share it with, and some keep it to themselves.

In an era that craves attention where most seek validation to feel accepted — most opt to share, “To remain open”. But where?

Where do we run to when we find it hard to trust people? Or should we? Or maybe I’ll just try to push all the guilt down and bring it with me to my grave.

I used to trust people easily. It is easier to live like that. It takes away a heavy load of having to be cautious of our words, how we interact, our movements, and that never-ending worry of how my actions might affect the world. It is happy to trust, I did not believe the horrors of betrayal until it happened to me.

If you can still fully trust people today and you are ashamed because you do, allow me to tell you: There is nothing wrong with you. I was once like you — too trusting. And I wish I had met someone who would repeatedly remind me: There is nothing wrong with protecting yourself too. Others cannot do it for you. You have to.

Be selective in spilling a secret that could break you and affect people around you. Speak if you must but only to those you can bet your life with to never speak of “it” to others. There is no way of knowing if a person deserves our trust but everyone can betray us — everyone.

Are you willing to take a chance?

