Do You Consider Yourself a Writer?

Are you a writer?

Hazel Wai
Word Garden
2 min readMay 31, 2024


Photo by Jack Sharp on Unsplash

I had an interesting conversation the other day. A barber was giving me a hair cut

“What do you do for a living?” he asked.

“I’m a writer,” I said.

His mouth arched into a smile, and a laugh that indicated excitement followed.

“Wow, that’s amazing!” he said. “I’ve never met such a young writer before.”

Normally, I would brush such uncomplimentary compliments aside (what does being a writer even mean?) but this man expressed his enthusiasm with an honest exhilaration that I could not ignore. His energy plagued my mind, and moments later, it created an imposter syndrome that manifested these thoughts:

What’s so amazing about being a writer?

Oh no, he thinks I write books.

I’m not a writer. I mean, I write words for a living but I’ve never written a book.

I am technically just a subscriber here on Medium. The income that sustains me comes from my ability to spill words out of my body and onto a page (okay, it’s a screen, but page sounds so much cooler). So by all definitions, I am a professional, though the only thing that means is that I make money from it.

But I don’t feel like a writer.

Some people I tell I’m a writer react with a passion that shadows a pressure on me that I can’t handle (like the radiologist). It’s as if my mental model of what I do is so detached from theirs. They think I’m a wise wizard who casts spells that produce the worlds in my mind. I don’t do that; I just write.

The funny thing is, I’m happy to give the title of “writer” to others on Medium. I just can’t handle labeling myself.

Whatever, I’m just going to write.

Just keep writing



Hazel Wai
Word Garden

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