Five Simple Ways to Write One Article a Day Even When You’re Tired

Write even when you’re sleeping.

Francis Ekwunife
Word Garden
5 min readFeb 12, 2024


Photo by Cris Saur on Unsplash

I didn’t want to write this blog post.

I was exhausted, and I felt like sleeping.

I wanted to skip writing today and leave it for tomorrow.

Writing this, I feel drained.

Yet, I’m still writing this piece.

And I want to share the five simple ways I write daily, even when tired. So you can do the same.

So, if you’re ready, let’s dive in.

Way #1: Have a system of ideas

Photo by Per Lööv on Unsplash

The most challenging part of writing is coming up with article ideas.

That’s why you need a system of ideas.

This way, you always have something to write about, even when tired, and you don’t stress.

“Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.” — John Steinbeck

I find it hard to write some days.

Yet I wrote daily with ease because I have a system of ideas.

This is how I do it:

  • I list popular topics I’m interested in, like writing, personal brand, self-improvement, and Christianity.
  • I make a Google spreadsheet and list 15 fears and hopes of the potential readers of my articles.
  • This way, I always have an idea to write about.

Way #2: Do it

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Stop procrastinating about writing.

Don’t delay your time to write doing other things. It only makes you more tired.

Instead, get a blog post idea from your system of ideas and write about it.

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” — Walt Disney

The worst thing I do when I don’t feel like writing is waste my time.

So, to help myself, I write:

This is what I do:

  • If I don’t feel like writing, I only write the headline.
  • Then I keep going and going.
  • Till I’m done with the blog post.

Way #3: Replace your social media time with writing

Photo by Chivalry Creative on Unsplash

As a writer, your social media time shouldn’t be longer than your writing time.

You aren’t tired when you’re on social media. Are you?

So, instead of going on social media, watching Netflix, or playing games, use that time to write.

Then you won’t be tired to write.

“Turn off your TV. Put your phone away. Get off social media. Get to work. Your future self will thank you.” — Austin Kleon

I used to always binge-watch Netflix and YouTube and play lots of games.

And by the time I was done these things, I had no energy to write.

But this is what I do differently that helps me:

  • I keep my phone far away from me while I’m writing.
  • I only watch Netflix or YouTube or play games after writing as a reward.
  • When I’m on social media, I use it to post content and engage with other writers.

Way #4: Write short-form content

Photo by Esther Jiao on Unsplash

You shouldn’t write long-form content on the days you’re tired.

It only drains your energy.

Instead, write short-form content on those days. It’s easier and faster.

“Brevity is the sister of talent.” — Anton Chekhov.

I love writing short-form content, especially on days I’m tired.

This is how I do it:

  • I define short-form content to be less than 600 words. Yours can be different.
  • On days I feel tired, I make my posts short but still make them valuable.
  • I write long-form content when I’m passionate about the topic I’m writing about and when I have free time and lots of energy. Long-form content is 900–1000 words for me. Yours can be different.

Way #5: Think of those your article will help

Photo by Lina Trochez on Unsplash

If you’re tired of writing, think of all those who need your article right now.

Someone needs help, and you have to help that person by writing.

Imagine if you never wrote that article. You’d never help that person.

Writing should be about helping your readers. With this mindset, you’ll always want to write.

“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” — Pablo Picasso

The reason I write daily is because I want to help someone.

That’s why even though I’m tired, I always write.

This is how I do it:

  • I don’t view writing as a way to make money and become famous,
  • Instead, I use it as a way to help others. That’s why I write.
  • And I make my posts valuable so it helps my readers.

If you want to write an article a day, even when you’re tired, practice these five simple things:

  • Create a system of blog post ideas.
  • Don’t procrastinate, write.
  • Replace your social media, Netflix and games time with writing online.
  • Write short-form content when you’re tired. Mine is under 600 words.
  • Think of the people your article will help as a way to write when you’re tired.

These are the simple ways I write even when I’m tired.

Practice them to write even if you’re tired.

Share your stories on writing when you’re tired to inspire others.

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Francis Ekwunife
Word Garden

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