Funny money

From 9-to-5 to freedom

Susan Fourtané
Word Garden


Photo by Peggy Anke

I was reading an article by tobi — Audio Writer about his First Earnings on Medium, where he wrote the following, and I quote:

It’s like funny money to me. And this is what some people do, full-time. This is some people’s 9-to-5, that they don’t have to jump the bus to work every morning (like me).

Tobi and I had been discussing other topics before, so I felt comfortable responding to what he was thinking with my real-life experience. I thought, perhaps, some other people think the same way about that “funny money.”

So, I decided to share this with everyone willing to read. And here is what I would say to Tobi, who without knowing, has inspired this little article with his “funny money” earnings story.

It’s like funny money to me.

Yeah, but it’s not that simple, or easy if you are doing it professionally and properly. Writing has been my 9-to-5 for over 18 years. And I can tell you, sometimes the hours I have to work to get an article done and meet a deadline are way more than just eight hours of my day. I’ve had days of 12 and 14 hours, even 16 hours.

It also depends on what kind of writing you do, what topics, and so on. Sure, there are people out there who write about easy topics and get an article done quickly; even several…



Susan Fourtané
Word Garden

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